Every Day is Earth Day
April 22, 2021

There is so much going on in the world that it’s hard to keep up. We’re all busy managing day-to-day stress, the occasional crisis and trying to be as happy and productive as possible in a world that seems a bit out of control.
Earth Day 2021 comes at a crucial time. Environmental activists say that this is one of the most important issues of our lifetimes. Whether you agree or not, Earth Day is an opportunity to reflect on the impact we make on the planet we call home and make a change or two that might make a difference.
At Atlanta Habitat, sustainability is always top of mind. We build energy efficient homes and teach homeowners how to maintain and increase that efficiency. Our ReStore is on the cutting edge of our efforts, along with key partnerships with house sponsors like Novelis.
The Atlanta Habitat ReStore is a sustainable operation that diverts more than 1,000 tons of unwanted goods from landfills each year. By selling unique and everyday home goods and repair items that donors generously gift to the ReStore, we have generated enough funds to build more than 30 homes since 2014. What you can do:
- Shop at the ReStore for your DIY and home repair and decorating projects. Not only will you give these goods a new life, you’ll breathe life into our mission to build more affordable, energy efficient homes.
- Have items you think someone else might be able to use? Donate them to the ReStore.
Our partnership with Novelis is a reminder that success “comes in cans”. Each year, Novelis recycles three million aluminum cans and donates the proceeds to build an affordable, energy-efficient home with an Atlanta Habitat family. To date, Recycle for Good has made it possible for ten families to own a home. Every can recycled is a can collected, repurposed and reused.

Aluminum can be recycled forever without losing its properties, so everyone can contribute in substantial ways through the simple act of recycling their aluminum cans. The whole family and community can participate in this effort.
What you can do:
- Drop off your aluminum cans at any of these locations:
- Atlanta Habitatfor Humanity parking lot
- Intonu Recycling (tell them your cans are for Recycle for Good)
- Centerfor Hard to Recycle Materials
- (CHaRM)
- Peachtree Road UMC parking lot
Let’s continue to make every day Earth Day.
Join the Cause
Help expand access to affordable homeownership by contributing your time, talent, or resources.

Contribute financially to help uplift individuals and families through affordable homeownership.

Join the volunteer Construction, ReStore, or Family Services teams and turn our mission into action.

Shop or donate unique home goods and building materials at our stores to support our mission.